Team Maddog members and supporters aka Mad-Bros and Mad-Sistas -
We hope you had fun participating in the Madvember Maddog Challenge. Many grew out their facial hair, body hair, and/or moved daily for 30 mins – check out the pictures on the Madvember Challenge tab at (pw: maddog). If you have not sent in a picture of your participation, please send your pictures to [email protected]. Part of our challenge was to donate to the Maddog Family Fund. If you have not participated, this is the Donation link. Cut and paste option - Crowdrise --- Maddog’s appreciation: “Thank you all going through the itchy-itchy scratchy-scratchy periods during the month. I have really enjoyed the feeling of solidarity with all of you and the pictures of hairiness of faces, arms, legs, and the exercising. Thank you for your support, I feel it”. Team Maddog bracelets - If you want a Team Maddog bracelet (they are really cool) text Mary Partin (831-818-4106) and send her your address and she will make sure you get one. CHEERS TO MARY! Love to all, Team Maddog
Team Maddog members and supporters -
It is about to be “Madvember” Join the fun of the “Madvember Maddog Challenge” As Greg Madsen starts his cancer treatment next week, let’s get serious with Greg and have some fun --- we invite you to accept the Madvember Maddog Challenge. As his friends we can keep Greg and his family on our minds by participating in the Madvember Maddog Challenge and make a donation to the Maddog Family Fund. The fund will help with things like allowing Greg’s family to travel during his treatment. All can participate – Mad-Bros and Mad-Sistas of all ages. Either with your MADstachery or MADmoving efforts or both. Grow a Moustasche and or Move every day for 30 minutes during the 30 days of Madvember. Let’s get hairy and move for Maddog! MADstache and or MADbeard
We can all join in solidarity with Maddog and his family by participating, donating to the fund, talking about our participation, laughing at our new facial hair, sharing by sending in pictures of our progress and MADmoving in action, posting on social media and inviting others to participate. How?
Cut and paste option - Donate through Crowdrise --- We hope you join the Madvember Maddog Challenge. Love to all, Team Maddog P.S. Any questions on how to grow a moustache, beard or hair of any type, call Matt; any questions on how to exercise, call Stan. Joking aside, Greg is swamped as you can imagine, if you have any questions outside of the what the website provides we are in regular contact with Greg, if you feel like you’d like to have more information or ideas on how to help, please feel free to call either of us. Stan Christensen M: 650.208.3600 Matt Balkman M: 425.445.0055 P.S.S. Some of you may have heard of the Movember movement, which raises funds for men’s health issues with a heavy focus during the month of November, while we respect and admire the international Movember movement, we have a more pressing personal cause we are asking you to support. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH OTHERS AND INVITE THEM TO PARTICIPATE WITH YOU. |